
Showing posts from June, 2024


    山东凯瑞化学有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售 水质稳定剂、 纺织印染助剂、 造纸助剂、 油田助剂、 水性涂料助剂、 混凝土外加剂、 日化清洗消毒助剂、电子产品清洗剂等综合性高端精细化学品的环保型企业。已建成智能化、信息化、连续化的生产工厂,可年产有机膦、聚合物、分散剂、螯合剂、杀菌剂等各类单体助剂28万吨。凯瑞化学专注于水处理化学品及助剂研发、生产有着20年的经验,可以确保为客户提供有效的解决方案!       5月27日,为期三天的第十六届中国国际水处理化学品技术及应用展览会在上海世博展览馆盛大开幕,山东凯瑞化学作为重要的水处理化学品及助剂生产商应邀参加此次展会,展位号是:A85。我们的展台在此次展会上大放异彩,吸引了大量参观者,现场人头攒动,热闹非凡。此次展会的成功不仅展示了我们的品牌实力,更体现了我们在展会筹备和现场管理方面的卓越能力,下面我们来领略一下展会的精彩瞬间吧! 展会实拍       展会期间,山东凯瑞化学的团队从产品讲解、互动指导到疑问解答,我们的工作人员尽职尽责,确保每一位来到展台的参观者都能获得满意的服务,欢迎广大宾朋来展台(A85)参观指导!此次展会时间是5月27-29日,对于未能及时参加展会的同仁,欢迎到我们工厂考察指导洽谈,共同发展! 联系我们 内贸部:0632-5228899  13561126999 外贸部:0632-3671188  17763266218 采购部:0632-7663999 人力资源:0632-7683555 邮箱 官网: 地址:山东省枣庄市薛城区薛城化工产业园府前路路南1号

热烈祝贺我司被认定为“专精特新”中小企业 !

 近日,山东省工业和信息化厅发布《山东省2024年度专精特新中小企业公示名单》,凯瑞化学成功入选,荣获”山东省专精特新中小企业“称号。 成功入选“山东省专精特新中小企业”是对公司综合实力的高度认可。这一荣誉不仅彰显了公司在专业化、精细化、特色化和创新能力等方面的卓越表现,也体现了公司在技术研发、产品质量、市场竞争力和管理水平上的综合优势。 公司始终坚持技术创新和质量为先,通过不断优化产品和服务,满足客户多样化需求。我们在研发投入、人才培养和技术合作方面的持续努力,确保了公司在行业中的领先地位。此次入选,不仅是对公司过去成绩的肯定,更是对我们未来发展的激励和鞭策。 我们将以此为契机,继续加大技术创新力度,提升自主研发能力,进一步完善管理体系,推动公司向更高水平发展。我们相信,通过不断创新和努力,能够为客户和社会创造更大的价值,赢得更加广阔的市场和美好的未来。


 近日,省工业和信息化厅印发2024年山东省企业技术创新项目计划(第一批),我司凭自主研发的”一种羟乙基乙二胺三亚甲基膦酸连续化生产装置及方法的研制方法“成功入选, 该工艺方法达到国内领先水平。 我们致力于通过不断研发和引进最新科技,提升产品质量和服务水平,以满足客户不断变化的需求。公司研发生产团队不断挑战现状,勇于探索前沿技术,力求在行业中保持领先地位。我们相信,只有通过持续的技术创新,才能实现长远发展,为客户和社会创造更大的价值。 目前公司已建成智能化、信息化、连续化的生产工厂,可年产有机膦、聚合物、分散剂、螯合剂、杀菌剂等各类单体助剂28万吨。未来公司将采取一系列战略措施。首先,我们将大幅增加研发资金投入,确保科研项目和技术开发有充足的资源支持。其次,公司将积极引进顶尖技术人才,组建一支具有创新精神和专业技能的研发团队,推动新技术的研究和应用。通过这些举措,公司将不断提升技术研发能力,确保在市场竞争中保持领先地位,为客户提供更加优质、先进的产品和服务。 Kairui - 001 - Amino Trimethylene Phosphonic Acid

多元醇磷酸酯 PAE

  Performance and Usage : PAPE is a novel water treatment chemical with good scale inhibition and corrosion resistance properties. The introduction of multiple polyoxyethylene groups in the molecule enhances its corrosion resistance and the ability to disperse calcium scale and suspended solids. It effectively inhibits the deposition of barium and strontium scales, which are challenging for existing scale inhibitors, and also provides excellent scale inhibition for sparingly soluble salts like calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate. PAPE offers cathodic protection for steel and is more effective than similar products available domestically. It is miscible with polycarboxylate, organophosphonates, inorganic phosphates, and zinc salts, making it versatile for use with other water treatment agents. The product is suitable as a scale inhibitor for oilfield water injection and as a corrosion and scale inhibitor for circulating cooling water treatment. Technical Specifica...

Dodecyl Dimethyl Amine Oxide

  Dodecyl Dimethyl Amine Oxide which also has several synonyms including Lauryl Dimethyl Amine Oxide, 1-Dodecanamine, N,N-dimethyloxide, and LDAO. Here's a summary of the key details about this compound: CAS Number : 1643-20-5 Molecular Formula : C14H31NO Molecular Weight : 229.4 Structural Formula : The exact structural formula isn't provided in the text, but it can be inferred that it's an amine oxide with a dodecyl (12-carbon) chain and two methyl groups attached to the nitrogen. Properties : It is described as a cocoamine oxide surfactant that is high in foaming. Among amine oxides, LDAO (a synonym for this compound) is noted for producing the most foam. Specification : Appearance : Colorless to light yellow clear liquid. Active Content : 29.0-31.0% Hydrogen Peroxide : Up to 0.2% Free Amine : Up to 1.0% pH (10% water solution) : 6.0-8.0 Usage : This compound is used in a wide range of industrial cleaning applications where its coupling, high foaming, deterge...

What are the physical properties of BHMTPMPA?

  BHMTPMPA (tert butyl trimethylphosphonic acid (1-hydroxyethyl) dimethyl phosphate) is a commonly used water treatment chaical with the following physical properties: Chaical formula: C12H28O9P4 Molecular weight: 492.24 g/mol Appearance: BHMTPMPA is usually a colorless to light yellow liquid. Solubility: BHMTPMPA can completely dissolve in water, forming a transparent solution. Density: Approximately 1.35 g/cm ³. Melting point: BHMTPMPA is in a liquid state at room taperature, therefore there is no fixed melting point. Boiling point: The boiling point of BHMTPMPA is approximately 300 ° C. Stability: BHMTPMPA is a stable compound that is relatively stable at room taperature and not easily decomposed. These physical properties make BHMTPMPA widely used in the field of water treatment, especially as a corrosion inhibitor and scale inhibitor to protect equipment and pipelines from corrosion and scale effects.

Technical indicators of BHMTPMPA

 BHMTPMPA , The full name is Bis (HexaMethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phosphonic Acid) BHMTPMPA, which is a commonly used water treatment chemical mainly used for scale prevention, chelation of metal ions, and corrosion prevention. Its technical indicators may vary depending on different manufacturers or application fields, but some common technical indicators may include:  Appearance: Colorless to light yellow transparent liquid.  Content: usually expressed in solid percentage (wt%), which can be adjusted according to specific application requirements.  Density (20 ℃): The density at 20 ℃, usually expressed in grams per milliliter (g/mL) or grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm ³).  PH value (1% aqueous solution): The pH value of a 1% BHMTPMPA solution, used to characterize its acid-base properties.  Free acid: The content of free phosphoric acid (H æ PO ₄), usually expressed as a percentage (wt%).  Sealing performance: used to evaluate its sealing per...

The role of BHMTPMPA

 BHMTPMPA, The full name is tert butyl trimethylphosphonic acid (1-hydroxyethyl) dimethyl phosphate, which is a commonly used water treatment chemical used as a corrosion inhibitor and scale inhibitor. It is widely used in industrial and commercial applications, mainly with the following functions:  Corrosion inhibitor: BHMTPMPA can be used as a corrosion inhibitor on metal surfaces, effectively protecting metal equipment and pipelines from corrosion and extending their service life.  Scale inhibitor: This chemical can also be used as a scale inhibitor to prevent hard water ions such as calcium and magnesium from depositing on the surface of pipelines and equipment, reduce the generation of scale, and maintain the cleanliness and efficient operation of the system.  Coordination agent: BHMTPMPA also exhibits good coordination performance and can form stable complexes with metal ions, thereby inhibiting the generation of metal oxides and metal ions and maintaining cl...

The latest price of phosphorus free corrosion inhibitors

 The price of phosphorus free corrosion inhibitors is influenced by various factors, such as raw material costs, production processes, market daand, popularity, packaging and transportation, etc If you want to know the specific price of phosphorus free corrosion inhibitors, you can contact us TEL: +86-632-3671188 FAX: +86-632-3671189 E-mail:                                                              The latest price of phosphorus free corrosion inhibitors 

Investment strategy for the basic chemical industry in the second half of 2024: Clouds dissipate and dawn approaches

 Profit and valuation double bottom, the value of chaical allocation gradually becomes apparent Standing at the current point, the industry's profitability and valuation are at a low level in recent years. With the overall decline in the industry's capital expenditure growth rate, the constraints of energy-saving and carbon reduction action plans on the supply side, and the marginal improvaent of fundamentals in some sub sectors, the value of industry allocation is gradually aerging. Specifically, one is to focus on the high-energy consumption industry's phosphorus chaical sector, which has limited new production capacity in areas such as ammonium phosphate and is expected to exit due to outdated production capacity; Secondly, focus on the refrigerant sector that is constrained by policies on the supply side of the industry; The third is to focus on the polyester filament and polymer MDI sectors with good industry competition and improved supply and daand patte...